A blaze of color that only nature can offer us

Photo color variety with lime plasters

Colors of nature: For an excellent and soothing color scheme. Natural color pigments, colored earths as nature offers them, give the surfaces an incomparable color effect. Natural, purely mineral color pigments underline the authentic character and charm of the sump lime surfaces. The KalkKind materials are made from around 40 different pigment colors KalkKind-Color collection […]

Find out what sump lime is: The building material of the future

Photo Carrara marble quarry

Swamp lime the natural lime … Our natural lime system consists of natural, pure plasters and paints. Our favorite is lime. Lime, and especially sump lime, has been used as a natural building material for thousands of years. In the last few decades, however, the plastic-containing, industrial products have used the traditional and natural building […]

How is the natural building material sump lime made?

Photo lime plaster preparation

The production of the all-round building material … Pit lime is a unique building material that even combines all the necessary components of a ready-to-use paint. Not only that, because KalkKind sump lime is a purely natural building material that does not require any additives! After we got here have learned where sump lime comes […]

Pit lime can be returned to the cycle of nature

Nature cycle sustainability lime plaster

Pit lime in the cycle process … Pit lime a building material of the elements. Originated from life in the water. Borrowed from the earth as limestone. When burned in a fire and extinguished with water, limestone has turned into lime. Air gives it what it needs to turn back to limestone. Simply a fascinating […]

Part III: Limestone for designers in Beijing

Healthy living with slaked lime is popular in Beijing … After the craftsmen left, around 30 top designers took their places in the hall. You are one of Beijing’s well-known interior designers. Advice, design and planning of the complete interior design of high-quality residential and commercial buildings is their task, which they implement with passion […]

Erst wenn die Optik stimmt, ist das Wohlfühlklima perfekt!

Wirkung und Aussehen – das Innen und Außen der perfekten Sumpfkalk-Oberflächen Wir arbeiten jetzt schon seit rund 30 Jahren mit Sumpfkalk. Damals als wir Sumpfkalk für uns zu entdeckten war dieser Baustoff weitgehend in Vergessenheit geraden. Auch die gelernten Maler und Stuckateure wussten, bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen, von dem Jahrtausende alten und bewährten Baustoff […]

Kutten Alain „Die Gestaltungshandwerker“ für das besondere und gesunde Zuhause

Lernen Sie die KalkKind-Fachbetriebe kennen! Es gibt nicht viele Handwerksbetriebe in dieser Größe, die sich fast ausschließlich auf private Kunden konzentrieren und nicht auch auf den Objektbereich setzen. Das Unternehmen Kutten Alain S.a.r.l. mit Sitz in Dudelange in Luxemburg agiert immerhin mit einem Team aus 50 Mitarbeitern. Wenn man Alain Kutten darauf anspricht, wird aber […]

Veiner Weissert a lime child with MALERIC LIVING IDEAS

Get to know the KalkKind specialist companies! Veiner Weissert, based in Hossingen, Luxembourg, is known far beyond the region as an expert in healthy interiors and high-quality attractive interior design. The traditional company of the painter and plasterer handicraft belongs to the most successful enterprises of the two cooperating mark networks lime child and MALERISCHE […]

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